So your boss has dropped a stack of welding paperwork on your desk and said review and sign off on these WPSs and PQRs. And your thought is where do I start? Or maybe you are new to the Certified Welding Inspection game and are wanting a little bit of insight into how to review WPS/PQRs and Welder Performance qualification records(WPQs).
There is often a great deal of confusion when it comes to the review of documents for welding and fabrication, such as Welding Procedure Specifications (WPSs) and Procedure Qualification Records (PQRs). The goal of this course is to provide insight into the documentation review cycle and detail how to review WPSs, PQRs, and WPQs as well as provide meaningful feedback in the process.
Professional Development Hours (PDH) - 8 Hrs.
Cost: $64.00